Pro-Truth Pledge

Pro-Truth Pledge

The Wayward Willis podcast has taken the Pro-Truth Pledge and committed itself to providing only factual, verifiable information and, wherever necessary, providing corrections or retractions in a timely manner.  Although this podcast deals in opinion and is intended to entertain and amuse, certain segments of the show present perspectives on politics and social issues that require careful and thoughtful examination and presentation of facts.  As hosts of this podcast we’re committed to stopping the spread of misinformation.

In an age where opening a browser window or picking up your phone may result in an overwhelming flood of news and information from an overwhelming number of sources we feel it’s particularly important that we hold the sources of this news and information accountable.  There is a tangible benefit to society when public voices deal in facts and there are notable consequences when they don’t.

We feel that the Pro-Truth Pledge is an appropriate movement with which this show should be associated and we’re helping to put the word out to other public figures as well.
