What Even Is Dualism?


Jon and Logan talk about the coexistence of good vs. evil and how Ubisoft has to nerf or buff gods based on their attack and defense stats.

Jon finishes his review of Anthony DeStefano’s book “Inside The Atheist Mind” and concludes that it’s a steaming pile of shit.

Logan bids listeners a fond farewell to overly sappy music and an inflated ego. The podcast will miss him, but the show must go on!

Intro music by Austin Colón:

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Twitter: @waywardwillis

What Even Is Blasphemy?


Show Notes

We’ve changed our format slightly to 3 segments with a sort of “Logan’s Corner” to wrap things up with some pop culture and nerd news that isn’t so heavy. Let us know what you think!

Jon & Logan offend religious sensibilities, hurt gods’ feelings, and don’t give a shit.

Jon & Logan talk to Matt Fidler from the Very Bad Words podcast about profanity and context.
Twitter: @dirtywordscast

Logan schools Jon on a new VR game called Duck Season that turns out to be a disturbing horror take on Nintendo’s Duck Hunt.

Intro music by Austin Colón: http://austincolon.wixsite.com/music
We have a Patreon page!
Twitter: @waywardwillis

What Even Is A Birthright?


Show Notes

Jon & Logan discuss birthrights and patriarchal lineage in Abrahamic religions.

Jon & Logan talk to Thomas Smith about offspring, secular parenting, and our children’s futures.
Twitter: @seriouspod

Jon rants about Republicans’ vilification of “entitlement programs” and the war on poor people.

Jon and Logan break down a verse from the Qur’an about all-night orgies.

Intro music by Austin Colón: http://austincolon.wixsite.com/music
We have a Patreon page!
Twitter: @waywardwillis

S1E8: What Even Is Satan?


Show Notes

Jon and Logan discuss the dark lord of Hell and what he even is and does.

Jon talks to Steve Hill about Satanism and our criminal justice system!
Twitter: @stevehillcomic

Jon rants about how stupid the concept of Satan is and why believing in an evil being leads to bad behavior.

Jon and Logan break down a verse from the Bible and discuss why you shouldn’t cut off your hands.

Intro music by Austin Colón: http://austincolon.wixsite.com/music
We have a Patreon page!
Twitter: @waywardwillis

S1E5: What Even Is God?


Show Notes

Jon and Logan discuss Jehovah, the Judeo-Christian god, the idea of a trinity, and whether or not Jesus’ sacrifice was worthwhile.

Jon and his girlfriend interview her six-year-old son about his concept of god and “death god.”

Jon talks about the god conundrum and why believers can’t really resolve an inconsistent god concept.

Jon and Logan break down a verse from the New Testament!

Intro music by Austin Colón: http://austincolon.wixsite.com/music
We have a Patreon page!

Examining the Bible: Genesis, Part V

In Genesis 7, god finally gets down to the killing.  If you’re a Christian you view this as a story of love and compassion for a righteous family who trusted god with their lives and eternal souls.  If you’re like me you view this as a horrific failure on the part of an inept, morally bankrupt deity.  As usual, I have several problems with this story and I’ll discuss them all in detail.  Let’s begin!

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Therefore, God

Steve Buscemi

Theist debaters, in attempts to compete with their non-theist counterparts have developed arguments based on logical rules to explain why they believe (and notice we’re still using the word “believe”) that a god or gods are necessary beings that, in actuality, exist.  One such argument is the Kalam Cosmological Argument, which goes like this:

  1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause,
  2. The universe began to exist, therefore,
  3. The universe has a cause.
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Like Fish in a Barrel

Rick Perry’s “Strong” ad (you can click the link if you haven’t seen it; I refuse to embed it into my blog) has been getting a lot of negative press lately.  I’ve been fuming about just how incredibly stupid the guy is for the last couple of days but haven’t as yet done a whole lot of commentary on the thing.  I wanted to make a YouTube video in response but I didn’t get around to it and it doesn’t seem like it would be timely and relevant anymore.  Then again, it’s such a timeless tragedy that people like Perry even have a voice in politics I may still make that video.  For now, I’ll devote a few minutes to a blog post dedicated to all of the “duh” in this ad.  Luckily, it’s so easy I won’t even have to strain myself.

Rick perry
"I'm Rick Perry, and I'm an ignorant piece of shit."
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Lowering the Bar

Whenhen I was a Christian it seemed like everything I saw pointed to the truth of god’s existence.  I had the Bible, my parents’ word, my Sunday School teachers and preachers, any number of books and pamphlets, and nature itself bolstering my faith.  I felt like I had good reason to believe what I did and I didn’t even have to look for evidence: everything was evidence!

That is, until I actually started examining my beliefs and my reasons for holding them.  What I found was not that the evidence for god was strong, but that I was willing to accept pretty much anything as evidence so long as it adhered to my preconceptions.  Those things that didn’t conform to my beliefs were simply ignored without any thought at all.

Christian evidence
Christian? Evidence? Hmmm.
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Who Makes the Rules?

I was always taught as a child that god was in charge.  He was the ultimate authority, the first and last word on any subject, and the law.  He took orders from nobody and had nobody to whom he had to answer.  God made the laws of nature and he could break them any time he wanted.  There was absolutely nothing he couldn’t do.  Then I read the Bible.

At many points in the Bible god is seemingly forced to take some kind of drastic action to intercede in his creation and at every one of these points he chooses (or must choose) the most elaborate, ineffective, and sometimes flat-out silly means.  It seems that every time he has to step in and take action he’s constrained by the Hollywood villain code of monologuing and setting up a trap that’s just way too complex to work.  Here are some examples:

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